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Steps to reconnect

After realizing I messed up, I decided to self advocate, for once. Again, I messed up, but for the IRS agent to say several things: 1. It happens all the time. 2. It takes a few simple clicks to submit the corrections. 3. I’ll be doing all this myself. and 4. It is more expensive to correct the problem than the initial application–I decided to reach out to my senator, Tammy Duckworth.

I explained everything, accepting responsibility. I went through how mostly I cover the costs–web site hosting, Zoom, postage, ink…–myself with my SSDI, I have no idea how I will get the funds to correct it. I spoke to her clerk on Friday afternoon. He said the IRS is notoriously slow so it will take at least a few weeks. No promises, but will try.

I can’t ask for anything more.

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First community event!

Finally occurred. First community event. Join Me had a table at a regional Peace Festival. The project was blank puzzle pieces and attendees were asked to document, by drawing or words, what they are willing to do to create more peace. Oh the experience was phenomenal!

Our youngest was 2. Scribbled saying “heart”. Took it. One young man said peace was “a roof over his head”. He’s been homeless for several months. It was a varied group, Muslim, LGBTQ, military, Black businesses, families, teens… Exciting and the puzzle pieces were as varied.

Lots of people came over after seeing the lines. Success. I learned a long time ago that activities drive your message home. I was asked to participate in two other festivals, will wait for the email information to decide. People who I used to work with in the community came by for hugs and updates. Business cards and Join Me mission paperwork exchanged.

Two volunteers helped make the day workable, an issue I have to maneuver since I’m now dealing with working with a disability. There were more successes than problems. Yay!!!

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Out of my reach

When you are where I am: with a new business, with a significant disability, with a monetary crunch, with a few other issues that I haven’t even identified, yet… it feels normal to have a bunch of things right out of my reach. Success, the next project, my old “go to” fun activities, that dang ripe tomato in the garden. It is the new norm.

Adaptation is also the new approach and today that is what I have to work on. I am ready to publish the workbook, but the formatting requirement has overwhelmed my brain. I farmed it out to a friend. Now I have to find some money to compensate her. I found a friend to write some grants. Now I have to find some money to compensate her. I have some designs in my head for handouts. Now I have to get my head to believe I can design them.

Out of my reach.

I came to the garden to relax, alone. Someone just joined me. Time to go home and get these things in my reach.

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My brain sees things in a certain way. Everyone does. Today I’m learning how to increase my presence on social media. Presented by Score in St Louis. Learning to do the Big Asks. Sounds familiar, right?

So, I’m asking any readers to check out my website, AND on Facebook at Join Me at the Table. I look forward to meeting you!

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Comfort zones

We all have them, don’t we? My comfort zones are being challenged now, constantly. In business? Reaching out to those I used to work with. Asking for money. For volunteers for the Board.

Why my walls have to come down is because, without it, Join Me will cease to exist.

Off to beat down some walls.

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How many people are feeling like i am right now? Needing peace, a calm but are worried that every calm just is felt right before the storm?

It seems like the storms are everywhere. Families, social media, neighborhoods, in our own heads. Storms everywhere.

I decided that, for today, social media is on a hiatus, a much needed break. I can wait to know what devious acts are coming down from Washington. I can find out on Monday who got drunk tonight. I normally can even not care about what everyone is having for dinner. Unless I want the recipe, or the store where they bought it. Today it is flowers and garden growth.

Just at least for today.

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Publication ready for the public

After many tries, more delays, speedbumps…it’s finally done!

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. I wanted a way to make a contribution, again. This is it.

Now to advertise. And get out of my own way. Now that it’s finished I am thinking that its just an entry level attempt even though the editor said it helped her reading it. I need to hear that and move forward.

What is inside me is stronger than what’s in my way.

I’ve got this.

The community needs it.




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My employment vision statement

As a part of the capstone course I am taking with Starkloff Disability Services, we had to do a personal employment vision statement. This is mine. It is empowerment to write it, see it. I’ve printed it out and it is above my desk. I am these qualities. My vision is my statement.

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Business, being busy not the worklife, is good!

Photo credit

This holiday weekend was great so far. Not because I went swimming or to a BBQ, old measures, but because I got things done.

Sent for some lost money on the state of Illinois page, only $8.48 but better in my pocket than the state’s; this week my room, the dining room, kitchen and now my deck has been cleaned, with my help; printed out the book for final edits; created my bylaws; weedeated the front yard because I was feeling strong; and GOT 10 FOLLOWERS ON THIS BLOG. I have no idea how, lol.

Busy is good.

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Flag given at the 2018 No Barriers summit in NYC

I was fortunate to attend the NYC No Barriers Summit in 2018. Fortunate in oh so many ways. First, I was chosen to receive a full scholarship for myself and a personal assistant, my son. Second, I had never been to NYC before and not on a vacation in years.

The days went by quickly. Too quickly. If I had a complain, and I hate to do so it would be that there was too tight of a schedule. Transportation in the city is notorious for able-bodied people, add a chair–at a conference with a big number of others who utilize chairs–and it was downright impossible at times. We missed some programs, arrived late for others. Plus, my chair battery stopped charging and it took my son running around an unfamiliar city to find a temporary solution.

But enough with the complaints. I was in NYC. Celebrated my 60th birthday in Time Square. Central Park. Central Station. Stayed in the Grand Hyatt. Went up in the Empire State Building. I danced with and met with Whitney Way from My Big Fat Fabulous Life–her message of body positively is much needed by me! I listened to Ice Cube. I met people brave enough to climb a rock wall in a chair! So much opportunity.

Then i came home. I didn’t necessarily absorb the energy. I kind of missed the motto–What’s within you is stronger than what’s in your way. I missed the mark.

Until now. Tomorrow I start the Starkoff Capstone Course which is in place to assist people who have disabilities and a work history regain their position in the workforce. 10 weeks, twice a week. I am excited. Between #NoBarriers and #Starkoff I am hopeful for the push to inspire me to do what needs to be done.

I am enough.

I am necessary.

I am ready.

Not a great picture, but…
Lymphedema and obesity is so not a good pairing