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Community event

Scheduled a community event today. Ordered things for the booth. If I’m being truthful, I’ve started thinking maybe I want this more than it’s actually needed. Maybe this will revive my determination. It’s a Peace and Safety Fair hosted by the Center for Racial Harmony. Had a long conversation with the director, someone I know from my past life. That felt good, too.

I know, baby steps. But those little accomplishments feel so insignificant.

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Out of my reach

When you are where I am: with a new business, with a significant disability, with a monetary crunch, with a few other issues that I haven’t even identified, yet… it feels normal to have a bunch of things right out of my reach. Success, the next project, my old “go to” fun activities, that dang ripe tomato in the garden. It is the new norm.

Adaptation is also the new approach and today that is what I have to work on. I am ready to publish the workbook, but the formatting requirement has overwhelmed my brain. I farmed it out to a friend. Now I have to find some money to compensate her. I found a friend to write some grants. Now I have to find some money to compensate her. I have some designs in my head for handouts. Now I have to get my head to believe I can design them.

Out of my reach.

I came to the garden to relax, alone. Someone just joined me. Time to go home and get these things in my reach.

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Newness and same ol’ crap

Busy, busy, busy…boredom. Why is life like that? I have had some great strides lately for Join Me. Website? Up and getting a little traffic. One podcast guest spot completed, airing as a part of a three evening webcast. 90 professional i used to work with contacted about the launch of the non-profit. 15 responded. Not bad. Three meetings this week. Contracted with a print on demand business to see some merchandise. Reached out to two vending opportunities. Received a positive ‘let’s work on it’ about the little free pantry. Began coaching a friend. Men’s group next Tuesday and Thursday.

But no new $$$ opportunities, which is needed. That has to be my focus moving forward. Either this is a business or my charity to the world. As much as I wish that could be the case, I need to add to my income. I have done this basically free for several years. It’s time.

My friend Marilyn yesterday told me something–find your price, say it and be quiet. The response will come. Its past time.

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Project New Peace

When I announced that Join Me had received non-profit status approval from the IRS, my son suggested this would be a good jumping off point. We talked and decided that a concentrated effort to get the name and concept into the community would be the best strategy. Then the planning starts. The first 100 days…

What will it look like? Within 100 days, 100 different “categories” will receive direct contact. 100: Women; Men; Professionals; Businesses, Peace Vision Puzzle. When you write it out it doesn’t feel like a lot. Then you start trying to get it started.

The Peace Vision Puzzle will be a table activity where blank puzzle pieces will be available for people to write or draw their peace vision on it, then all the pieces will be combined to develop a commUnity vision. 100 pieces within 100 days.

I’m on day 16. I better get going. What I’ve done so far isn’t a lot, its the planning. Not always my strongest asset. I like doing and looking back afterwards with a little bit of evaluation. That was then, this is now.

I’ve spoken at length with my physical therapist and her intern about what their response should be if they suspect that someone they are working with is being victimized. I’m creating an infogram to send her and ask for her to share.  I actually start at another location this week and will do the same there. 2 down, professionals, 98 to go. Yes both were women, but I was sharing professional responsibility. I’ve been working with 3 professionals for a possible program in August. 3 more. 95 to go.

This week is men’s group, 15 scheduled, sometimes even with a group this big, maybe only 5 or 6 will show up. But, no matter what, community healing will be a new concept included. I am scheduled to have a table at the Collinsville VFW on September 5th. I’m working on a table activity for bringing the members to work with Join Me in future collaborations.

100 Businesses. My head hasn’t started coming to terms with this component. Definitely needs to be addressed. I do know that I want to talk to some of the local non-profits to start a needs assessment. What’s going good; what’s missing? Community education feels like a hole now, but maybe that’s just me.

Can I do it? I have no choice.